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Monday, January 19, 2015



  So this year my new years resolution was simply progress. To do more, to be, more and just aspire to be the best in general. The best way to put it is in 2015 I want to level up, if you will. Last year was a year spent finding love and really seeing it for what it is. Many things were learned in regard to that but at the same time more could have been done in regards to myself. Just knowing that I can have it in my world and allowing it to come was beautiful. Im not totally opposed to love this year but, I just feel like when trying to juggle a relationship along with the many other responsibilities of everyday life sometimes you aren't really putting your all into your passion. This year will be different. Better yet this year will be great and it will be the year when I come into self and come into greatness. The year where the most will be done and put into place. This post is dedicated to progress both for me and as well for you! Be great.  Until next time. Be cool but be you. Peace and blessings. 


Saturday, January 3, 2015

Photo Series 1: Triumphant Queens


I'll start this post with a question and it is what do you aspire to be in life? Better yet who do you aspire to be in life? I feel like no matter who you are you must think highly of yourself.  Speaking for myself I aspire to be a king and it is one of the missions of Ordinary_cool to help encourage the mindset  that speaks to the king or queen in you. With that being said for my first shoot I just want to highlight some of the queens in my world that stand triumphant through it all. While there are issues and ills that us a males face living in todays world, we can't play down what females deal with and go through daily that is much different from our struggles. With that being said,  I bring to you Queen. A photo series of them for them. My hopes for this series is to help inspire queendom for all females because honestly speaking all females are queens but the reality is not all of them realize that and their actions show it. So without further ado here are the pics.