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Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Classic Man

I'm a Classic Man 

Im a classic man,  the question is what makes you classic?  How do you define it?  Tell me.  Hopefully your week is going smooth! As always be cool, be you. 


Outfit Details-

Shirt and belt: American Eagle
Pants: Forever 21 Mens 
Shoes: Doc Martens 
Cuff: Han Cholo 
Glasses: Thrifted 

Photos Courtesy of Cruz
Instagram: cruzdevan

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Is Hood by Air To Weird??


Hood By Weird 

  Where do I begin? There is a saying that goes there's a fine line between genius and insanity, however i'd like to change that a little and say there's a fine line between weird and rare. This is the best way to describe Hood by Airs latest offering. its very weird. The delivery and some of the designs.  Let me first say this fashion imprint  has never been known for doing things according to the rules. They don't pride themselves on designing regular pieces. There's always that weird kid in class thats kinda cool and this is Hood by Air. Looking at it from that perspective you have to really just expect for things to get weird. My only issue with things this season is that I just don't get the vision on some of the pieces.  This is the best way to put it. What's the point of a dress for a man. Men don't wear dresses, or better yet men shouldn't wear dresses. To me some of the pieces are too weird. Another piece that has me lost is the polo shirt with the train. Again, I really see no one wearing this. I realize that hood by air is definitely trying hard to make you say wow and maybe even question the oddness of some of the pieces through making them far out but I personally don't get it.  They've crossed the weird threshold and are now venturing into a territory that i'm not sure they even know they're in from the looks of it.    While I have to respect the artistry behind the designs and the overall innovative approach some of the pieces took it way over the edge for me.  What do you think?

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Going against the grain

In Pursuit Of 

So I feel like generally speaking we as Americans kinda have his whole pursuit of happiness thing backwards. We live in a society that  says work every day until you reach a certain age and are able to retire and  collect a nice little pension and go about your happy old days. This is the logic that drives me crazy as well as all the other dreamers. If you're for slaving half of  your life then great but i'm not for it. My mindset and how I live revolves around doing what you love to do. The thing, that makes you feel alive.  Jump out on a limb. Take that big risk and more importantly be fulfilled! That sounds great to me.  And while that sounds like sweet music playing for me,  I know some people may be reading this and thinking that i'm crazy. Asking questions like does this guy know about money and what it takes to live life on a daily basis? Of course i'm being very sarcastic when I say this because I live this thing called life everyday just as you do. I get why one would question why i'm saying what I am, but i'm still sticking to my guns. The point of me writing this is to really challene your perspective and also make it better.  I think Jay-z really hit the nail on the head when he said life is for living not living uptight.  And  to clarify  im saying do both. Theres nothing wrong with the 9-5 thing, but life is all  about balance and living your your life in pursuit of. In pursuit of yourself. In pursuit of wealth, in pursuit of happiness and in pursuit of your cool. Until next time, Stay cool!


Wednesday, February 4, 2015


A little background on this post: Wassup guys, a little while ago I came across a blog called the timeless aesthetic. Their blog was very different from other blogs in the sense that it was two bloggers a girl and a guy and they incorporated both of their styles to the blog. I really liked the idea so I though why not give it a try and do a post with my girlfriend and I. So without fuher adieu I bring to you togetherness. A creative collaborative blog featuring myself and  my girl. :) Hope you enjoy it. 


"Why be apart when we can be together. You make me better and I bring out your best. Not quite perfect you and I but its worth it. Together. You, me, us, togetherness"  

"Hand in hand, expecting the best but prepared for the worse" 

"The stare down" 

"Lets go!" 

"Hand in hand" 

"Into the distance" 

My Outfit Details: 
Shirt- Kenneth Cole 
Jeans- Bullhead 
Sneakers & Jacket- Zara
Hat- Brixton 
Fur Collar- Banana Republic


Coat- Mink Pink X Urban Outfitters
Dress- Asos 
Shoes- Charlotte Russe 

Monday, January 19, 2015



  So this year my new years resolution was simply progress. To do more, to be, more and just aspire to be the best in general. The best way to put it is in 2015 I want to level up, if you will. Last year was a year spent finding love and really seeing it for what it is. Many things were learned in regard to that but at the same time more could have been done in regards to myself. Just knowing that I can have it in my world and allowing it to come was beautiful. Im not totally opposed to love this year but, I just feel like when trying to juggle a relationship along with the many other responsibilities of everyday life sometimes you aren't really putting your all into your passion. This year will be different. Better yet this year will be great and it will be the year when I come into self and come into greatness. The year where the most will be done and put into place. This post is dedicated to progress both for me and as well for you! Be great.  Until next time. Be cool but be you. Peace and blessings. 
